Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads:
Are you wondering which is better, Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads? If you want to start up an advertising campaign and run Facebook ads or Google ads, then you need to ensure that you do everything you can to make sure that you run it efficiently. One problem that a lot of people experience is that they don’t know whether they should use Facebook or Adwords when choosing their system and this can lead to a lot of confusion later down the line. For example, when you use Facebook, you are able to choose the audience that you want to target by using different filters. This means that you can cater your audience based on their demography, geography and interests. In other words, your ads go directly to the people that you want to target.
When you use Adwords on the other hand, your ads may be based on your preferences. Google can’t understand people like Facebook because it can’t see any personal data. For this reason, the advert is triggered by search terms alone. This puts you at a slight disadvantage in terms of the people who you target but it can help you to reach out to a more worldwide audience, e.g. those who are not actually on Facebook so this is something that you should keep in mind.
So how are the two similar? Both of them use PPC advertising and this is a very affordable way for you to advertise overall. You can get a low cost campaign without having to pay all of the cost that is commonly associated with getting your company name out there so you can already start to see how you could benefit from them both if you have the budget for it.
Of course, if you have to choose then the one you choose will largely depend on the business you own, but there are certainly similarities.