Hey guys, James Martinez here and in today’s free funnel strategy session what I want to share with you guys is another business another service that I myself was searching for and I said, you know I think that I think this is another business that can benefit from having a funnel okay, as opposed to using a standard website. So you know if you’re not sure what a funnel is watch because quite frankly a funnel could work for any business whether you are a local service provider whether you are a local retailer whether you are a global retailer whether you are looking to build an email list whether you are looking to get leads whether you are looking to even fill out an event using a sales funnel, a funnel I’ll take the sales out of it because you don’t even have to be selling, you could just be using a funnel strategy for just about any sort of purpose that has to do with getting people’s information online for you okay.
So, in today’s session, you know again I want you guys to realize that even though I’m discussing a particular business, realize that a funnel would work for any business okay? It doesn’t have to be just the business I’m showing you today but hopefully, what you’ll learn is the concept and the strategy behind what I’m showing you. So that you realize we can apply this strategy to any business, any sort of, you know, just really anything, okay, you know, whatever you want to do with your business you can most likely 10 x your results by having a funnel in place. So, let me show you guys what exactly I’m talking about.
So today I was considering getting my dog groomed okay and I thought about I said, you know, it’s kind of annoying to you know put the collar on the dog and put the little harness on the dog and get them in the car and drop them off and either sit there for an hour or drop them off and then disappear for four or five hours but I got to stay close because I got to go back and pick them up with blah, blah. So, I said you know, wouldn’t it be great to have a dog groomer come to me because I know there’s a services right?
So that’s what I did. I did a search for mobiledog grooming, okay and what I want to tell you is that I did the research, okay and to have these ads, it costs about $2 per click and that’s an estimation it could be anywhere from one up to $5 a click okay but the whole point is, you know, when you advertise you want to put money in okay and get money out. So, when you advertise for any sort of services, okay? You want to, you know, invest $50 but get back 100 oks. So, the business I came across and you could see it’s purple here because I visited it earlier, is Bernadette’s doggy spa okay, so let me show you my experience.
I did a search for mobile dog grooming. I see an ad for Bernadette’s Doggy Spa calm, right convenient mobile dog roaming, that’s exactly what I’m searching for. So, I click on the end. So, what happens now, what I want to point out okay and I’m going to start going a little fast for you guys. So that moves along a bit quicker but what I want to point that we see the logo, okay, the first things we have is a phone number and then these two links here, okay? Now, Bernadette just paid $2 to get this people’s attention, and now she’s sending them away to Facebook. I do not recommend that okay, she just paid $2 and now she’s got a click, she’s got a link for me to go to Yelp, okay and it’s got a two-and-a-half-star rating. Not great. I wouldn’t do that either.
So, you wouldn’t want this okay, that’s a call to action that these are things that you know, now I go on Facebook and I’m looking at pictures of my neighbors and my people’s cats and dogs and kids. No, no, I was interested in dog grooming. I lose these okay, now the other thing is you got a phone number here, okay? Which you know, should be a button right? It should be clicked to call because guess what, more than half of traffic is going to be on a phone. So, this page is going to look like this ok and what kills me is this is here that needs to go but also in this should say click to call us now okay but it’s just a phone number. Some people would know that just click that and it would call but if they don’t, you know it’d be great if it was a button now anyway.
So, you know, now we have a menu with a couple of pages here oh, it’s only two pages. She needs a lot more pages, I disagree. She needs less pages like one less page okay, get rid of the testimonials page and now we have what’s called a landing page, okay but now you look at this page okay, it’s got a bunch of information got a picture of the truck but and it’s talking about mobile grooming but guess what chances are people already know what mobile dog grooming is because they just searched for right? They just searched for it. Mobile dog grooming I know what it is.I just need to know who the companies by me that do it. Okay. So, there’s a lot of information on here and what’s you know, what’s most interesting to me is that here’s really what Bernadettes hoping for okay? She’s hoping that people either call, okay or hopefully they know to click to call, because if not, now, they got a phone number. Now they got to go and pick up a regular phone or now they’re picking up their cell phone and trying to dial the number. The other thing on this page is an email address okay, so you know,so those are the two real call to actions but quite frankly, we got those two call to actions with click on our testimonials is kind of another opportunity somewhere to go and then Facebook and Yelp. Okay, so if she paid $2 for that click, chances are she doesn’t want to send me to all these other different things okay, so let me show you what I would do if I was Bernadette’s doggy spot.
Okay. Let’s say I did a search mobile dog grooming. I click on that $2 link, okay and now I get to a page like this okay, so now I know what mobile dog grooming is because I just did a search for it. I need a mobile dog groomer right. So anyway, they go to this page. I see Bernadette’s doggie spa mobile grooming for dogs and cats okay, I don’t know if she does cats too but whatever doggie spa, we could remove that.
Do you want a clean pet without all the hassle? This guy does because that’s what I just said I don’t want to have to drop an often isn’t any other thing okay, so what happens now,the very next thing they see is an offer and a sense of urgency. The offer is 50% off. The sense of urgency is it expires in five minutes. So now we’re telling them listen, you’re going to get 50% off, okay but you have to you have to get it within the next five minutes okay, the offer expires in five minutes. So now they scroll down okay, you notice there’s not a lot of links, there’s not a lot of other things to do. It’s only okay, well, what do I gotta do now they scroll down, they see a picture of the awesome looking van and now the only thing they have to do is put in their name and email address okay, so the call to action on this page, there is nothing else to do but click this button that says get 50% off now and then in the bottom it says this offer expires in five minutes again, driving that sense of urgency.
Okay, so let me talk about this for a minute. So, some of you may be saying okay, well great. A name and an email address is really elite okay, you could also put a phone number there, right but that’s going to reduce the amount of leads you get, right the name and email is a very non-threatening amount of information for a person okay? So, with the email address, okay we can actually contact them 5,10,15,20 times right, now we have their email address. So even if they don’t convert right now, today we can now have scheduled 5,10, 15, 20 emails scheduled with different offers and different bits of information okay. I usually like to do a two in one where basically, if they didn’t convert, today, I’ll send two emails just offering valuable information, you know maybe hey, here’s you know, some information about a great supplement for your dog if they’re an older dog and the second email would be hey, if you got a puppy, you know, here’s a great product and blah, blah, you know, whatever bits of information and then the third one is another seller another offer hey, Today’s offer is you know, by buy three, get one free or whatever the case may be scheduled today. Click here to schedule today your mobile dog grooming. Now that name and email turns into two marketing touch points. Now we can contact that person 5,10, 15,20,10,000 times until they unsubscribe, we can contact them will automate and while Bernadette sleeping she could be emailing them or her software can be emailing them all of these different offers and bits of information to create those touch points. So that when the person says I need a dog groomer, I keep getting emails from that Bernadette’s place. Let me take a peek at that last offer they put out there and that’s how you use the email list to build your revenue right.
So anyway, let’s go back to the example here okay, so now we’re on this page okay, so name email address, okay, again, one action gets 50% off now. They put in their name and email address what happens now they go to another page okay, the second step in the funnel. Now there are a warm lead and it says yeah; you and your pet will be so happy you chose us. Today’s 50% off special is valid for two day only purchase your grooming below. Now this-this is a button here, right? Obviously so click to see 50% off specials.
Now they go down, okay, if they want a desktop, this is what they’ll say, okay? If they’re on their phone, okay they’re going to see this and when they click boom, brings them right to the specials okay, so now what are opportunities for the specials, okay now they can get to grooming sessions, okay to grooming sessions for $100. Now, obviously these prices may be way off whatever the case may be, but you can see how Now we already got their contact info, okay, we either got name, email, address, and phone or just name and email. But we’ve already got contact information so we can contact these people, okay but now we’re giving the opportunity to take us up on that offer ok, so now two sessions at 50% off three sessions at 50% of these prices can change, you know, whatever it is, but now we’re putting the full on or for out there okay.
So, let’s say the person says, oh, man, you know it okay, this is the offer. I’m here I wanted mobile grooming ok. So now it’s time to you know, do business or get off the pot as they say, right? So they choose okay, let me do two sessions at 50% off, they click on that and now they’re brought to the page where it’s time to check out okay, so here they are, they see the logo for consistency 50% discount applied, okay we can even put another countdown timer here, you know, put this at three minutes, like okay, you need to get this order right now you need to get your water in and at this point. We need to close the deal. So now we’ll put some testimonials may be okay and a guarantee or whatnot but at this point, we put in their address, you know, they put in their address and it says will come to your address, okay, just to reiterate, we’re coming to you, they put in their address, okay and then what happens they click to go to step two, which is where they enter their credit card information, right? Chi-Ching and we have here a onetime offer maybe Bernadette sells also some supplements, some pet supplements, maybe she sells you know, little doggie jackets or two bones or, you know, whatever the case may be, she sells some stuff and now it’s an opportunity for them to take her up on an extra one time offer.
So now they’re going to put in their credit card info, they’re going to buy whatever it is, whatever offer they’ve chosen, and now we’re going to upsell them on a little sweatshirt for their dog or a chewy bone or a you know, even double the offer you know this one time or get an additional three grooming sessions for 75 a piece, you know, or whatever the case may be, we have an opportunity and they have a place to enter their credit card okay.
So, what are we doing here? We’re making it convenient we’re taking advantage of the fact that we got about seven seconds to get people’s attention and keep their attention okay, so we didn’t send them to a website that has all these different options and go to Facebook go to Yelp you know maybe you’ll email us maybe Of course no, these were specific actions each page had one call to action that took them down the funnel and this is the bottom of the funnel rat purchasing right up here there a cold lead warmer okay you put in a credit card or not right so you could see how having this system you know can improve the revenue for the business and then also implementing the emails can also improve the revenue because now we can email these people for a year or two straight you know giving them value but then also offering them an offer you know, get here’s today’s discount, here’s this emails discount and we could send them to different pages in the funnel okay.
So, hopefully that’s useful you guys and hopefully you understand that this doesn’t have to apply to mobile dog grooming this can apply to any business any service any product. So if you guys are interested in having a strategy session for your business please contact us today! See if you know your business can fit with our sort of funnel approach. I think you’ll see from this video that a funnel is the way to go for your business and I’d like to have a free funnel strategy session with you. It’s a free zero cost funnel stragey session and we could discuss how this could apply to your business if you’re not already realizing just how well it could apply to your business right.
So again, contact us today. I hope this is helpful to you guys and if you liked this video if you know someone that this video will help please share it with them please share it in your Facebook groups please share it you know wherever okay, let’s help other businesses grow okay by using the next wave of digital marketing which is sales funnels. Alright guys, hopefully, that’s useful to you visit freefunnelstrategy.com.