Hey guys, James Martinez here and I want to make a quick video because I’ve been getting the question a lot where people ask me, you know they hear about a sales funnel, and they say, you know, what’s a funnel I don’t understand what a funnel is and how it’s different from a website. So I want to make a video a quick video as quick as possible to explain to you guys the difference between a funnel and a standard website. So I’m going to try and go quick. So let’s take a look.
Structure of a Standard Website
So you know on any generic basic website, okay, the format of the website typically looks something like this okay, so you have your homepage, right? You know, it’s your, whatever your.com. Okay, and on your homepage you know you and your nap, your menu at the top, your navigation, there’ll be links to several different other pages, right? You have maybe a contact page, services one page, services two-page or product three-page, product four-page, product five, or a contact us page. So you, you know, there’s a hierarchy you have your homepage and then it, then it trickles people down into all these other avenues okay, and then what happens on some sites, you even have a sub-navigation, okay, where now you get down to the second tier will call it and on the second tier pages, you now have links to other pages, right?
The Paradox of Choice in Standard Websites
So, let’s say on this page, you have the homepage, which links to the gallery, pictures, and videos, right? So then they go to a page that has pictures and videos and nowhere, it’s like okay, well you know, now pick which one you want to do, you know, click here to see the actual pictures, click here to see the actual videos and so there are lots of choices okay, lots of choices, what things that people can do when they hit this standard website, right but if you know anything about marketing and sales and stuff like that, there’s a thing called the Paradox of Choice, okay and basically what that means is that the more choices someone has the less likely they are to make a choice. Okay. So once you capture someone’s attention, when you have their attention, you want to capitalize on it quickly okay?
Introduction to Sales Funnel Structure
So with a standard website, it’s kind of hard to do that because you know, you get them to the homepage, right? A lot of people will get the attention of somebody, they’ll do an ad to do a promotion, wherever the case is, they get here and now the person has all of these options, and they’re like, okay, I don’t know, maybe I’ll click on this, or maybe I’ll click on that and then I’m clicking around, there’s a ton of information and they lose focus, then they leave, okay, now they don’t convert. So let’s take a look at an example funnel, okay? This is the difference between a website and a funnel.
Overview of a Lead Generation Funnel
So here’s a kind of a kind of a sales funnel. This is actually like a lead generation funnel okay? So you have your traffic source okay and it goes to a page, it goes to a landing page okay? Now on this landing page, there’s only one action to take okay and that’s that big green button there, which I’ll zoom in on but that’s the difference. Okay, you captured their attention; you got them to go where you wanted them to go. Now don’t give them 50 choices okay? It’s kind of like Henry Ford said you can have any model Ford you know, you want as long as it’s black, right? He sold a ton of those black Ford’s okay, so this is saying the same idea applies here. There’s one thing to do okay?
Singular Call to Action in a Funnel
So they got you here and now you’re either opting in or you’re not okay. So you don’t have that Paradox of Choice where you’re not sure where to look where to go, you know, what should I do here, or let me start poking around, then I lose that that excitement that got me here in the first place. So the funnel here, okay, the lead gen funnel here takes your traffic source, takes them to a landing page, okay? At that point, the one action is for them to give you their name, email, and phone number, right? That’s the only action they can do here, they’re not going to click around and poke around and waste time. Give me your name, email, and phone number. That’s it. That’s the sole purpose of this page ok.
Sequential Steps in the Funnel
So now, the next step, as they say, in the funnel, once they opt-in would be to go to a second page where we want what we want to offer them 20 different things. No, we’re offering them a second thing, just one thing, but it’s after they give us the first after they go through the first thing, okay?
So on this, okay, for this example, we have an opt-in for a lead magnet, opt-in for a paving contractor, right? So the people opt-in here, then they go to a second page, okay, they don’t click around and do whatever they want. We direct them immediately to the second page once we’ve gotten what we want here and on this page, this asked them to schedule okay, so now at this point, there’s only one action to do on this page. Okay, great.
We’re going to send you the information we promised on this page, and on this page, schedule a meeting with us, okay? If not, then don’t you know, we’re not going to give you 30, 40 different things, options to look at kind of like when you go into you know, people who go to like, you know, a deli, right, you go to a deli and you go up to the into the glass and there’s this macaroni salad and tuna salad and roast beef and Turkey and cheese and, and you start to look around, he said, man, I don’t even know you know, you go to a diner, right? You can have any food under the sun.
Streamlining Choices in a Funnel
What do you do when you go to a diner? You typically stare at the menu for 10 or 15 minutes because you don’t know what the heck you want because there are so many choices. Whereas if you went to let’s say, you know, like McDonald’s chances are you getting a hamburger, right? Are you getting a cheeseburger and fries, those are your options really, right and that’s why I think the mic ribbon, the fish fillet sandwich doesn’t stick around long but anyway, so you guys get the point. Okay, so we have the idea of a funnel to take people along the exact steps you want them to take. So, in this example here, just so you guys understand how these funnels work, right? When a person ops in here, they’re immediately put into what’s called automation, okay and an autumn email automation, basically says okay they’re going to get this series of emails, okay, 1,2,3,4,5 emails, they’re going to get them?
Are they going to get them all at once? No, they’re going to get them in a time you specify typically one each day or, or one every other day and what are these? These are what I like to call marketing touch points are what marketing people call marketing touchpoints. So what happens is this one sales funnel can create it’s not one interaction, right? This one sales funnel can create, you know, they interact in here, right? That’s 1234567 that’s seven different touch points, potentially eight touch points, or nine touch points, or 10 touch points, depending upon how far along this one funnel takes that one person. Okay? So hopefully, that’s that, that’s useful to you guys okay, that’s basically how a sales funnel works okay? It’s, it’s each page has one intended action, one call to action and by doing so, you really narrow the focus, and everybody is fighting for attention right now, okay.
Whether you’re doing Google ads, Facebook ads, you know, doing SEO on your websites and get people there, whatever it is you’re doing, once you have that attention, you need to capitalize on it and capitalize on it quickly and you’re not going to do that by giving people 300 options, okay, you need to give them one option. You’re here’s what I’m offering you, here’s the great offer that I’m offering you need to take right now and if you don’t they go away. If you do that, that’s the reason you’re here right? I got you here for a purpose. So now convert, okay, turn into a leader and whatnot.
So hopefully that’s useful to you guys. If you’re interested in learning more about this type of stuff for your business, whether it be selling on Amazon selling on your own e-commerce website or even a local business retailer, local, lead, lead, you know, service provider you need leads whatever the case is, you can utilize a funnel okay, try and stump me go to go to free, free funnel strategy. com okay and try and stop me go to funnel strategy calm, and then you’ll have the opportunity to have a free strategy session with me to discuss if funnels will work for you and if you stop me, I’ll be blown away because funnels pretty much can work for any business okay. Alright guys, thanks for your time and I hope this was useful. Free funnel strategy comm check it out.