All right, all right, here we go. So I just want to thank you guys for tuning in, potentially tuning in again. And basically what I want to show you guys tonight is my social media software that I’ve been working on. So you might have caught a few minutes of this before. But basically, I’ve been working on this for, I don’t know, several months now. And basically what happened is I was trying to get this going and, you know, kind of the thickness of all the covid hit and all that stuff.
So I kind of got tied into other, you know, other sort of projects, other things. So long story short is I know this kind of got put on a burner, so to speak. OK, so now I am focusing on it and getting it out to you guys because I am very excited about it. I think it’s very useful, actually. I know it’s very useful because I do use it for myself.
The Concept Behind Social Post Buddy
OK, so basically what the social media software that I created does is it helps you. It’s not a social media posting tool, OK? There’s tons of tools that help you to schedule posts to put and disseminate the information throughout the entire web and social media channels. But what this software does is it’s kind of a step back. What it does is it actually just kind of helps you to make sure that your posts are kind of set up for success, OK?
Social Post Buddy’s Unique Features
And what I mean by that is that, you know, the reason why I made this offer for me is because I would I’d post on social media and I’d be creating my posts. And, you know, if I’m posting something, I kind of want to make sure it has all the basic criteria of a good post. Right. And what I started seeing myself do over and over and over again is I would make social media posts and I would forget to include what I felt were very relevant pieces of the post, OK, things that the Post basically should have.
The Evolution of the Social Post Buddy
So what I said is, all right, well, I need I need a tool like a composer. And what I started doing is I had like a Microsoft Word document that literally was just saying, remember this, remember this, remember this? Then I got to the point where I was copying and pasting social media posts and then just revising. And then I said, you know what I really need really need a tool. I really need something that I can kind of do this on the fly that someone always, you know, readily available.
Introducing the Chrome Extension
It’s not a file I have to go find and the sun the other thing. And so this is what I created. OK, so the tool itself is called Social Post, Buddy. It’s a chrome extension. That’s a small piece of software that you literally just add to your browser. And I want to show you guys how I use it. I’m actually going to show you very quickly. It’s not an intricate piece of software. It’s not a complete and confusing piece of software.
It’s very it’s very easy to use. It’s very basic. But for me, it’s been very, very helpful to me to ensure that I am, you know, setting up my post for success.
Right. So let me let me show you guys kind of what it does, and then I’m going to tell you kind of about some special opportunities I have for you guys to get in on it. So let me hop over into that. So I’m going to share my screen here, which this should help me to do. OK, and what what you should be seeing right now is my website. OK, so if I’m on my website and let’s say I’m working on my social media posts, OK, I want to create the social media post for my latest blog post.
Creating a Social Media Post with Social Post Buddy
OK, so I recently did a post talking about how you can get three hundred dollars free advertising on Tic-Tac ads. OK, so if this is the post that I’m working on, what I want to do is, is use my social post body software to create the social media post where I’m going to share this blog post throughout. OK, so this this blog post is about tick tock ads, tick tock for business and the free coupon you can get.
So what I’m going to do is if you look up here in my browser, this is my piece of software here called Social Post. But if you click on the little thing there and then once you have an account, you log in and I am going to do that right now.
But you log in and then you’re met with this interface. OK, now the software is what I guess you would call, quote unquote beta version. OK, so I’m still working out some stuff, but for the most part, I’ve been using it for months. It is you know, it is fully capable. And right now I’m on Windows seven. So like that’s why the emojis kind of show as like boxes and squares sometimes because I’m actually on Windows seven computer and we made this to be Windows 10 compatible forward and got to look and see on the Macs.
But either way, I think you’ll see and appreciate the functionality of what I’m showing you. So this is the interface. OK, so the first thing I would want to do if I’m creating a social media post for this blog post, OK, is come up with my headline. Right. So so maybe I would do something like, I don’t know, click on it again, get free.
Tick tock advertising. OK, so right now, you may notice, is the fact that this box, no matter what you do, OK, this box always makes the headline, you know, all uppercase and bold and OK. So the reason being is that if you see social media posts, OK, and, you know, as you’re scrolling through, most people will just type some text and that’s it. They type the text. It is what it is and it all looks the same and you’ll see a big wall of text, OK?
And that’s something that you’re going to see time and time again, even from businesses, you know, I’m sure like see here, tick tock for business, right? Ironic. Look, here’s a sentence, OK? And there’s just it’s just a sentence, right. The graphic is obviously interesting, but there’s just no real, like. Wow. Factor in the content there. Right. So when when you create in your headline here, when you look down here, it shows you actually the post preview, OK, and you could see here a nice, big, bold letters.
Get free tick tock advertising. OK, so that’s pretty cool. I don’t have to go looking for my caps lock. I don’t have to try figuring out how to bowl that right, because it literally does it for me and that’s a headline. So that’s kind of what I want. Just like a newspaper. Right. I treat my post like they’re their own newspaper and I make a headline form.
Enhancing Social Media Posts
So now for the headlines, I like to really make them stand out. So what I decided is that I kind of like to have emojis there. Right. So let’s let’s find a good emoji, maybe like, you know, and like I said, these are showing up a little strange because I’m on Windows seven and this is really just looking at forward compatible to be like Windows Windows 10 and later, you know, so we’ll do like the dollar sign there.
OK, and talking about advertising and then maybe, like, I don’t know, like a wow face or something like that, you know, or whatever. Happy face. OK, so now you could see that it literally put those emojis in there. I just chose them in here and it puts it as part of the headline, OK, so I got to open up this box a little, so show a little wider.
But you get the idea for now and you’ll see that it’ll work fine when we post it. So now OK, so now I have my headline and I got my emoji that’s kind of showing, you know, showing people showing you a preview of what you have here. But now let’s get into typing the actual the actual post.
OK, so let’s let’s post there’s a.
Special offer from. Tick, tock, tick, get free advertising and help get your business more visibility on that platform for free. OK, you know, read, let’s say read my latest blog post to learn how to get it. OK, so obviously that’s very, very quick. And what you get, you get the idea you would type your message there. So what I want to call out to you is, you know, is this button here, right?
So I have a bold but now, you know, Facebook now started to add some of this function, the bold button there and a couple other things. But it still doesn’t walk you through the process. Kind of like walking, you know, from top to bottom here. So I would put, like, you know, I might bolt this special offer, maybe a bold free advertising, OK, and get your business more visibility. OK, so.
For free, read my latest blog post to learn, learn how to get it.
OK, so so I choose the text and I hit bold and you could see down here now that text is bolded, right. And that also helps break up the break up the content a bit more. Right. Because now, as you could see, if I scroll through, you know, here’s here’s like inside a group. But if I look at business posts, right. If I look at sponsored look, here’s a sponsored one. It’s just all text.
Right. There’s no bolding. There’s nothing really as far as formatting wise that makes this stand out. OK, so that’s why I try and do that in my social post, buddy. Right. And I’ll Bolds. I got a special offer for both of these these things here. And I will get, you know, just just break it up a bit. Right. So it just helps to make, you know, make that text stand out.
OK, so now what I’ll do is maybe I’ll add a little bit of breathing room there. And as you see, the next step down, OK, is the link. OK, so what what I would do here is add my link, ok. And put my link in there. OK, and now, because there’s literally a box asking, that’s really helped me to not forget to add the link, OK, because that’s happened to me plenty of times where I forget to add the link.
So now I have my link there, OK? And I won’t forget. And now we have our final box. OK, if you see her in the post preview, here’s my headline. Here’s my bolded text. And then here is here is the link. And you can see I also put the little pointing emoji. I’ll probably make it so you could switch it out with different ones. But for now, it’s just kind of like the call to action.
Click here to check it out, you know? So read my latest blog post to learn how to get it. And then there’s a little hand pointing to the link. OK, so now the last and final piece that I would often forget is the hash tags, OK, hash tags are still relevant, still important, still helpful. So what I wanted to do and I’m going to change this functionality depending upon if people are interested or if it’s just for me, if it’s just for me, I will probably just find ways to get my hash tag information.
But if this if other people are interested in this product, the software, then I’ll probably do something that it starts to look via API to get more popular hashtags. But the way I have it set up right now, when you click generate hashtags, it literally looks at the content and it pulls hashtags from there. So you see tick tock business latest learn. So it’s pulling some words from the actual post itself, which generally the content within the post will have some some hash tags that you’d like to put.
So an example, Tick-Tock is a good post, business is a good post and learn is a good post. So a good hashtag rather. So it automatically pops that in. Right. So now you could see here we have our post preview. OK, and to me, this is where your final you get your final look and say, OK, yeah, that’s looking pretty good. Like I said, I’m going to open this up a bit so that this box is a little bit bigger.
But, you know, while it’s such a simple tool, you could see that this post, you know, is as much, in my opinion, much better formatted than a post like this.
Right. It just there’s just not a lot of real formatting there. Obviously, the video grabs your eye and all that. But it’s just, you know, to me, I really like the actual formatting. So that’s that’s why I created this software. OK, so now at this point, you have very many options. OK, now a lot of some people have paid paid social media posts and software, which obviously this can work with. And there’s very different ways you can use this.
OK, so for example, if you just use social post, buddy, and you don’t want to pay for all the other social media posting platforms you like, I don’t I don’t want to pay fifty dollars a month for that software, this or for that. So if I got a login elsewhere, all that different stuff. Well guess what, you don’t have to go into another tool. You’re literally in social post pudi right now. So all you have to do, let’s say I want to share this post to Facebook.
Right. So now the Post has already created I just click share and what happens is it brings not only does it bring me right to Facebook, OK, but it also puts the post in my clipboard. And now if I hit control V and paste, there’s my post. OK, so now you know, I mean, eventually I could probably do something where it automatically pays off for you. But again, this is kind of a beta mode, but now it’s literally right in my box there and I could adjust it if need be do something like this just to kind of break it up a bit.
And now I have this, you know, in my opinion, a nice, well formatted post. Right.
So this this should help you help my post to stand out a bit more in the feed, because, you know, I have hashtags that made people my searching for stuff. It may come up in their feed. They’ll see the graphic pulled from my website page and then also just using the emojis, using the bolding, et cetera, et cetera. Right. So when you click on that social media platform, OK, I clicked on Facebook, you know, same thing happens with Twitter if you click on Twitter.
Right. And then if you’re not logged in, if you’re not logged, then then you just obviously would hit the login button. And now I could just paste the same thing here. Right. So now this content is on Twitter as well. And then I come back to social post, buddy. And, you know, maybe I want to put it on LinkedIn. I want to put it on YouTube. Long story short, is that. It does two things in one, it copies the post to your clipboard and then it also opens the platform that you want to share that content on.
OK, so it just kind of kill two birds with one stone. Your step. Now, the other thing you could do, let’s say you’re not looking. Maybe you do have a social media software that you use. The other thing you could do is just simply copy the clipboard. Right. So if I had copied a clipboard and, you know, maybe, I don’t know, maybe you want to save it and a notepad or something like that, or you want to copy and paste it into your HootSuite, you’re a Gore publisher, whatever you can copy and paste it like I have.
I personally have a few different ones, but I can now go into my HootSuite and I could add this as a button. We’ll see. We’ll see. You know, who who might be interested in that. So now I can copy and paste this right into a post right in my HootSuite and then post into multiple posted to multiple social media platforms.
Utilizing Social Post Buddy with Other Platforms
Right. I copied and pasted it and I paste it right here on HootSuite and there it is. You know, now I just maybe find a little tweak for the platform, shorten the link, et cetera, et cetera. Right. So as you can see, it’s my my post is formatted well. I have quick sharing options and then I also have the option to save my posts, which, you know, I’ve got a little more work to do on this.
But these these posts now are like basically saved. You know, these are all the posts that I’ve done with this, OK? And I’ve cleared the database out several times. But you could see all of the stuff is backed up in there, you know what I mean? So that’s that’s pretty much how social post body works. And, you know, you can see it’s not a very, very complicated tool. It’s it’s a rather simple one, in my opinion.
Concluding Thoughts on Social Post Buddy
But it it helps you to not forget, not forget the hash tags. Don’t forget the emojis. Don’t forget the Boulding. Make it easy to bold.
And it also keeps a history of your posts so that you can go back and maybe repurpose that post. Right. So Social Post Buddy is in what they would call beta. I do have you know, I can set up clients, customers with it.
So the website is I’ll show you here. The website is Social Post Buddy Dotcom. Go here, I’ll show you the page where quick. The landing page looks a little something like this. So it is ready, it is it is here, it is that social post buddy dotcom, OK, and it’s ready and waiting for you guys. So, you know, if you’re interested, there’s kind of a couple of different opportunities here with social post. But I am I am currently looking to potentially get some because I work with lots.
I have friends who are other agency owners or other business owners who may be able to repurpose the software for their clients. So if interested, I was looking to do potentially some sort of partner offering where you can have potentially unlimited accounts that you can sell for however much money you want to sell it for. And at that point, as a partner, you can just set up multiple, multiple accounts for your clients, build them how much you want to build them, how much you can sell them on it for.
And it’s also could be a really great value add for certain clients as well. OK, clients, customers or whatnot. So go in. The partner option is one sort of a thing and I’d tell you to contact me via Facebook if you’re interested in that. The other thing is obviously just purchasing it as a user. Right now it’s in beta, but it is available. I do have a Facebook group for the beta guys who guys and gals who want to hop in and start testing this out and play around with it and also help me to improve it.
It’s a very, very, very affordable way to make sure your posts are very consistent. And I would love to get, you know, a lot of people signed on with it to help me improve it. And I do have a roadmap of other things I want to do with it. OK, so if this is of interest to you, if you want to make sure that your social media posts are, you know, have have a format, have a strategy, always have a link, always have your hashtags and all that stuff, then I think Social Post Buddy may be a great software for you to invest in and that could be as either a partner or customer.
And I would recommend you get in touch. Now for those who are potentially interested in quote unquote, partnering with me on it, I do have I am part of very fortunate to be part of another software, a founding member of another software that I would actually provide you access to. And for anybody who’s doing stuff on Facebook and doing business on Facebook, chances are you’re you know, you’re using Facebook to contact customers and clients. If you’re doing e-commerce, if you’re doing even if you’re a consultant or whatever business you’re in, chances are you are doing business via Facebook and Facebook messenger.
Introducing Genius Messenger
So what I do want to offer you guys is the opportunity to get in with me on a different program called Genius Messenger that actually takes your Facebook Messenger conversations and allows you really to categorize to to stop doing mundane tasks over and over, sending the same messages over and over and doing things like that. So if you do business via Facebook Messenger, then you’re definitely going to want to get involved with the genius messenger software. And I’m going to do another video on that, which I’ll keep you guys posted on.
But the the social post buddy partners can also get involved with me with the genius messenger. And we can discuss, you know, potentially if you if you want to get social post, buddy, maybe I’ll include a free genius messenger account. And what that does is that basically turns Facebook messenger into a CRM customer relationship management software. OK, so I’m going to do a video on that that alone. And I’ll probably also do a quick video of both of them together.
But I didn’t want to let you guys know that that’s going to be launching within the next day or two. And if you hop on board with social post, buddy, you’ll be one of the fortunate few who also can get involved with Genius Messenger very, very early on and start automating your marketing, your Facebook message, your marketing and just, you know, somewhat taking the redundancy out of doing business via Facebook. OK, so I appreciate your time.
Final Remarks and Invitation
Like I said, the website is social post body dotcom. Go there, check it out, learn a bit more about it. There was a special bonus while I’m doing the beta, which will include, as I discussed, the genius messenger. And I look forward to any feedback, any questions, comments. Feel free to message me on Facebook and message my page. All things digital. However, you want to get in touch with me, let’s discuss making your businesses posts look better formatted and better set up for success, in my opinion, so that they get more visibility and look a bit more professional.
And then we can also discuss how you can better leverage Facebook and Messenger to, you know, to make more money, make more money on Facebook, make more money in your business, and just just conduct business in a very efficient fashion on Facebook. All right. Thanks so much for your time. I really appreciate it. Please get in touch. Social post, buddy Dotcom or ATD and or contact me via Facebook.